Here's a helpful hint from Cool Solutions reader Darron Michael ...
Deleting an app in ConsoleOne does not necessarily remove all traces. If a user has copied the app icon to their desktop, then they can still run the app, even after it has been deleted from NDS.
For example, I created a NAL application and delivered it via the NAL window to a user. The user selected the NAL app from the window and dragged it to the desktop, where it copied itself as a shortcut, complete with the red arrow that indicates it is a "delivered" application.
I later replaced this NAL app in NDS with a different one (even named differently) and deleted the old NAL app from NDS.
The old app's shortcut remains on the desktop, still shows that it points to a now-non-existent NAL app, and it still works. So, my user was still using the old app instead of the new replacement.
It took a few times launching Consoleone and looking for the nonexistent app before I realized what was going on. Once I did, I just deleted the shortcut from their desktop like any "normal" shortcut.